
class kotti.filedepot.DBFileStorage[source]

Implementation of depot.io.interfaces.FileStorage,

Uses kotti.filedepot.DBStoredFile to store blob data in an SQL database.

create(content: Union[bytes, FieldStorage], filename: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None) str[source]

Saves a new file and returns the file id

  • content – can either be bytes, another file object or a cgi.FieldStorage. When filename and content_type parameters are not provided they are deducted from the content itself.

  • filename (string) – filename for this file

  • content_type (string) – Mimetype of this file


the unique file_id associated to this file

Return type


delete(file_or_id: str) None[source]

Deletes a file. If the file didn’t exist it will just do nothing.


file_or_id – can be either DBStoredFile or a file_id

exists(file_or_id: str) bool[source]

Returns if a file or its ID still exist.


Returns if a file or its ID still exist.

Return type


static get(file_id: str) DBStoredFile[source]

Returns the file given by the file_id


file_id (string) – the unique id associated to the file


a kotti.filedepot.DBStoredFile instance

Return type


static list(*args) None[source]

Returns a list of file IDs that exist in the Storage.

Depending on the implementation there is the possibility that this returns more IDs than there have been created. Therefore this method is NOT guaranteed to be RELIABLE.

replace(file_or_id: Union[DBStoredFile, str], content: bytes, filename: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None) None[source]

Replaces an existing file, an IOError is raised if the file didn’t already exist.

Given a StoredFile or its ID it will replace the current content with the provided content value. If filename and content_type are provided or can be deducted by the content itself they will also replace the previous values, otherwise the current values are kept.

  • file_or_id – can be either DBStoredFile or a file_id

  • content – can either be bytes, another file object or a cgi.FieldStorage. When filename and content_type parameters are not provided they are deducted from the content itself.

  • filename (string) – filename for this file

  • content_type (string) – Mimetype of this file

class kotti.filedepot.DBStoredFile(file_id, filename=None, content_type=None, last_modified=None, content_length=None, **kwds)[source]

depot.io.interfaces.StoredFile implementation that stores file data in SQL database.

Can be used together with kotti.filedepot.DBFileStorage to implement blobs storage in the database.

static close(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Implement StoredFile.close(). DBStoredFile never closes.

static closed() bool[source]

Implement StoredFile.closed().


Size of the blob in bytes (sqlalchemy.types.Integer)


MIME type of the blob (sqlalchemy.types.String)


The binary data itself (sqlalchemy.types.LargeBinary)


Unique file id given to this blob (sqlalchemy.types.String)


The original filename it had when it was uploaded. (sqlalchemy.types.String)


Primary key column in the DB (sqlalchemy.types.Integer)


Date / time the blob was created or last modified (sqlalchemy.types.DateTime)

property name: str

Implement StoredFile.name().


the filename of the saved file

Return type


read(n: int = - 1) bytes[source]

Reads n bytes from the file.

If n is not specified or is -1 the whole file content is read in memory and returned

seek(offset: int, whence: int = 0) None[source]

Change stream position.

Change the stream position to the given byte offset. The offset is interpreted relative to the position indicated by whence.

  • offset (int) – Position for the cursor

  • whence (int) –

    • 0 – start of stream (the default);

      offset should be zero or positive

    • 1 – current stream position; offset may be negative

    • 2 – end of stream; offset is usually negative

static seekable() bool[source]

Implement StoredFile.seekable().

tell() int[source]

Returns current position of file cursor


Current file cursor position.

Return type


static writable() bool[source]

Implement StoredFile.writable().

class kotti.filedepot.StoredFileResponse(f: MemoryStoredFile, request: Request, disposition: str = 'attachment', cache_max_age: int = 604800, content_type: None = None, content_encoding: None = None)[source]

A Response object that can be used to serve an UploadedFile instance.

Code adapted from pyramid.response.FileResponse.

class kotti.filedepot.TweenFactory(handler: Optional[Callable], registry: Registry)[source]

Factory for a Pyramid tween in charge of serving Depot files.

This is the Pyramid tween version of depot.middleware.DepotMiddleware. It does exactly the same as Depot’s WSGI middleware, but operates on a pyramid.request.Request object instead of the WSGI environment.

kotti.filedepot.extract_depot_settings(prefix: Optional[str] = 'kotti.depot.', settings: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) List[Dict[str, str]][source]

Merges items from a dictionary that have keys that start with prefix to a list of dictionaries.

  • prefix (string) – A dotted string representing the prefix for the common values

  • settings – A dictionary with settings. Result is extracted from this

kotti.filedepot.includeme(config: Configurator) None[source]

Pyramid includeme hook.


config (pyramid.config.Configurator) – app config

kotti.filedepot.set_metadata(event: Union[ObjectUpdate, ObjectInsert]) None[source]

Set DBStoredFile metadata based on data


event (ObjectInsert or ObjectUpdate) – event that triggered this handler.