Source code for kotti.request

from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

import pyramid.request
from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest
from import Allowed
from import Denied
from zope.interface import implementer

from import Principal
from import get_user

[docs]@implementer(IRequest) class Request(pyramid.request.Request): """ Kotti subclasses :class:`pyramid.request.Request` to make additional attributes / methods available on request objects and override Pyramid's :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.has_permission`. The latter is needed to support Kotti's concept of local roles not just for users but also for groups (:func:``). """
[docs] @reify def user(self) -> Optional[Principal]: """ Add the authenticated user to the request object. :result: the currently authenticated user :rtype: :class:`` or whatever is returned by the custom principals database defined in the ``kotti.principals_factory`` setting """ return get_user(self)
[docs] def has_permission( self, permission: str, context: object = None ) -> Union[Allowed, Denied]: """ Check if the current request has the given permission on the current or explicitly passed context. This is different from :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.has_permission`` in that a context other than the one bound to the request can be passed. This allows to consider local roles for the check. :param permission: name of the permission to check :type permission: str :param context: context for which the permission is checked. Defaults to the context on which the request invoked. :type context: :class:`kotti.resources.Node` :result: True if has_permission, False else :rtype: bool """ from import authz_context with authz_context(context, self): return super().has_permission(permission, context)