
This module aims to make it easier to run the Alembic migration scripts of Kotti and Kotti add-ons by providing a uniform access.

Commands herein will typically be called by the console script kotti-migrate (see the docstring of that command below).

Kotti stores the current revision of its migration in table kotti_alembic_versions. The convention here is <packagename>_alembic_versions. You should normally not need to worry about the name of this table, as it is created and managed automatically through this module. If, however, you plan to use your own alembic.ini configuration file for your add-on or application, keep in mind to configure a table name as described above. The table name can be set using Alembic’s version_table option.

Kotti has start-up code that will create the database from scratch if it doesn’t exist. This code will also call this module’s function stamp_heads to set the current revision of all migrations registered with this module to the latest. This assumes that when we create the database from scratch (using metadata.create_all), we don’t need to run any of the past migrations.

Unfortunately, this won’t help in the situation where a user adds an add-on with migrations to the Kotti site _after_ the database was initialized for the first time. In this case, users of the add-on will need to run kotti-migrate stamp_head --scripts=yourpackage:alembic, or the add-on author will have to write equivalent code somewhere in their populate hook.

Add-on authors can register their Alembic scripts with this module by adding their Alembic ‘script directory’ location to the kotti.alembic_dirs setting. An example:

def kotti_configure(settings):
    # ...
    settings['kotti.alembic_dirs'] += ' kotti_contactform:alembic'

kotti-migrate commands ‘list_all’, ‘upgrade_all’ and ‘stamp_heads’ will then include the add-on.

class kotti.migrate.ScriptDirectoryWithDefaultEnvPy(dir, file_template='%(rev)s_%(slug)s', truncate_slug_length=40, version_locations=None, sourceless=False, output_encoding='utf-8', timezone=None, hook_config=None)[source]
run_env() → None[source]

Run the script environment.

This basically runs the env.py script present in the migration environment. It is called exclusively by the command functions in alembic.command.