Source code for kotti.tests


Fixture dependencies

.. graphviz::

   digraph kotti_fixtures {
      "app" -> "webtest";
      "config" -> "db_session";
      "config" -> "depot_tween";
      "config" -> "dummy_request";
      "config" -> "events";
      "config" -> "workflow";
      "connection" -> "content";
      "connection" -> "db_session";
      "content" -> "db_session";
      "custom_settings" -> "connection";
      "custom_settings" -> "unresolved_settings";
      "db_session" -> "app";
      "db_session" -> "browser";
      "db_session" -> "filedepot";
      "db_session" -> "root";
      "depot_tween" -> "webtest";
      "dummy_mailer" -> "app";
      "dummy_request" -> "depot_tween";
      "events" -> "app";
      "depot_tween" -> "filedepot";
      "depot_tween" -> "mock_filedepot";
      "depot_tween" -> "no_filedepots";
      "settings" -> "config";
      "settings" -> "content";
      "setup_app" -> "app";
      "setup_app" -> "browser";
      "unresolved_settings" -> "settings";
      "unresolved_settings" -> "setup_app";
      "workflow" -> "app";


import warnings
from datetime import datetime

from import MemoryFileStorage
from mock import MagicMock
from pytest import fixture
from pytest import yield_fixture

from kotti import testing

[docs]@fixture def image_asset(): """ Return an image file """ return testing.asset("sendeschluss.jpg")
[docs]@fixture def image_asset2(): """ Return another image file """ return testing.asset("logo.png")
@yield_fixture def allwarnings(request): save_filters = warnings.filters[:] warnings.filters[:] = [] yield warnings.filters[:] = save_filters
[docs]@fixture(scope="session") def custom_settings(): """This is a dummy fixture meant to be overriden in add on package's ````. It can be used to inject arbitrary settings for third party test suites. The default settings dictionary will be updated with the dictionary returned by this fixture. This is also a good place to import your add on's ``resources`` module to have the corresponding tables created during ``create_all()`` in :func:`kotti.tests.content`. :result: settings :rtype: dict """ return {}
@fixture(scope="session") def unresolved_settings(custom_settings): from kotti import conf_defaults from kotti.testing import testing_db_url settings = conf_defaults.copy() settings["kotti.secret"] = "secret" settings["kotti.secret2"] = "secret2" settings["kotti.populators"] = "kotti.testing._populator" settings["sqlalchemy.url"] = testing_db_url() settings.update(custom_settings) return settings @fixture(scope="session") def settings(unresolved_settings): from kotti import _resolve_dotted return _resolve_dotted(unresolved_settings)
[docs]@yield_fixture def config(settings): """returns a Pyramid `Configurator` object initialized with Kotti's default (test) settings. """ from pyramid import testing from kotti import security config = testing.setUp(settings=settings) config.include("pyramid_chameleon") config.add_default_renderers() yield config security.reset() testing.tearDown()
[docs]@fixture(scope="session") def connection(custom_settings): """sets up a SQLAlchemy engine and returns a connection to the database. The connection string used for testing can be specified via the ``KOTTI_TEST_DB_STRING`` environment variable. The ``custom_settings`` fixture is needed to allow users to import their models easily instead of having to override the ``connection``. """ # the following setup is based on `kotti.resources.initialize_sql`, # except that it explicitly binds the session to a specific connection # enabling us to use savepoints independent from the orm, thus allowing # to `rollback` after using `transaction.commit`... from sqlalchemy import create_engine from kotti import DBSession from kotti import metadata from kotti.resources import _adjust_for_engine from kotti.testing import testing_db_url engine = create_engine(testing_db_url()) _adjust_for_engine(engine) connection = engine.connect() DBSession.registry.clear() DBSession.configure(bind=connection) metadata.bind = engine return connection
[docs]@fixture def content(connection, settings): """sets up some default content using Kotti's testing populator.""" import transaction from kotti import DBSession from kotti import metadata from kotti.resources import get_root if connection.in_transaction(): transaction.abort() DBSession().close() metadata.drop_all(connection.engine) transaction.begin() metadata.create_all(connection.engine) # to create the default content with the correct workflow state # the workflow must be initialized first; please note that these # settings won't persist, though; use the `workflow` fixture if needed from zope.configuration import xmlconfig import kotti xmlconfig.file("workflow.zcml", kotti, execute=True) for populate in settings["kotti.populators"]: populate() # We set the path here since it's required for some integration # tests, and because the 'content' fixture does not depend on # 'event' and therefore the event handlers aren't fired for root # otherwise: get_root().path = "/" transaction.commit()
[docs]@yield_fixture def db_session(config, content, connection): """returns a db session object and sets up a db transaction savepoint, which will be rolled back after the test. """ import transaction trans = connection.begin() # begin a non-orm transaction from kotti import DBSession yield DBSession() trans.rollback() transaction.abort()
[docs]@fixture def dummy_request(config, request, monkeypatch): """returns a dummy request object after registering it as the currently active request. This is needed when `pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` is used. """ from kotti.testing import DummyRequest marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("user") if marker: monkeypatch.setattr(DummyRequest, "authenticated_userid", marker.args[0]) config.manager.get()["request"] = dummy_request = DummyRequest() return dummy_request
@fixture def dummy_mailer(monkeypatch): from pyramid_mailer.mailer import DummyMailer mailer = DummyMailer() monkeypatch.setattr("kotti.message.get_mailer", lambda: mailer) return mailer
[docs]@yield_fixture def events(config): """sets up Kotti's default event handlers.""" from import clear config.include("") yield config clear()
@fixture def setup_app(unresolved_settings, filedepot): from kotti import base_configure config = base_configure({}, **unresolved_settings) return config.make_wsgi_app() @fixture def app(workflow, db_session, dummy_mailer, events, setup_app): return setup_app
[docs]@fixture def browser(db_session, request, setup_app): """returns an instance of `zope.testbrowser`. The `kotti.testing.user` pytest marker (or `pytest.mark.user`) can be used to pre-authenticate the browser with the given login name: `@user('admin')`. """ from zope.testbrowser.wsgi import Browser from kotti.testing import BASE_URL host, port = BASE_URL.split(":")[-2:] browser = Browser("http://{}:{}/".format(host[2:], int(port)), wsgi_app=setup_app) marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("user") if marker: # set auth cookie directly on the browser instance... from import remember from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest login = marker.args[0] environ = dict(HTTP_HOST=host[2:]) for _, value in remember(DummyRequest(environ=environ), login): cookie, _ = value.split(";", 1) name, value = cookie.split("=") if name in browser.cookies: del browser.cookies[name] browser.cookies.create(name, value.strip('"'), path="/") return browser
[docs]@fixture def root(db_session): """returns Kotti's 'root' node.""" from kotti.resources import get_root return get_root()
@fixture def webtest(app, monkeypatch, request, filedepot, dummy_mailer): from webtest import TestApp marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("user") if marker: login = marker.args[0] monkeypatch.setattr( "pyramid.authentication." "AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy.unauthenticated_userid", lambda self, req: login, ) return TestApp(app)
[docs]@fixture def workflow(config): """loads and activates Kotti's default workflow rules.""" from zope.configuration import xmlconfig import kotti xmlconfig.file("workflow.zcml", kotti, execute=True)
[docs]class TestStorage(MemoryFileStorage): def __bool__(self): # required for test mocking return True
[docs] def get(self, file_or_id): f = super().get(file_or_id) f.last_modified = datetime(2012, 12, 30) return f
[docs]@yield_fixture def depot_tween(config, dummy_request): """Sets up the Depot tween and patches Depot's ``set_middleware`` to suppress exceptions on subsequent calls. Yields the ``DepotManager``.""" from depot.manager import DepotManager from kotti.filedepot import TweenFactory from kotti.filedepot import uploaded_file_response from kotti.filedepot import uploaded_file_url dummy_request.__class__.uploaded_file_response = uploaded_file_response dummy_request.__class__.uploaded_file_url = uploaded_file_url _set_middleware = DepotManager.set_middleware TweenFactory(None, config.registry) # noinspection PyDecorator @classmethod def set_middleware_patched(cls, mw): pass DepotManager.set_middleware = set_middleware_patched yield DepotManager DepotManager.set_middleware = _set_middleware
[docs]@yield_fixture def mock_filedepot(depot_tween): """Configures a mock depot store for :class:`depot.manager.DepotManager` This filedepot is not integrated with dbsession. Can be used in simple, standalone unit tests. """ from depot.manager import DepotManager DepotManager._depots = {"mockdepot": MagicMock(wraps=TestStorage())} DepotManager._default_depot = "mockdepot" yield DepotManager DepotManager._clear()
[docs]@yield_fixture def filedepot(db_session, depot_tween): """Configures a dbsession integrated mock depot store for :class:`depot.manager.DepotManager` """ from depot.manager import DepotManager DepotManager._depots = {"filedepot": MagicMock(wraps=TestStorage())} DepotManager._default_depot = "filedepot" yield DepotManager db_session.rollback() DepotManager._clear()
[docs]@yield_fixture def no_filedepots(db_session, depot_tween): """A filedepot fixture to empty and then restore DepotManager configuration""" from depot.manager import DepotManager DepotManager._depots = {} DepotManager._default_depot = None yield DepotManager db_session.rollback() DepotManager._clear()