Source code for kotti.views.edit.actions

Action views

from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
from pyramid.url import resource_url
from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid.exceptions import Forbidden
from import has_permission
from pyramid.view import view_defaults
from zope.deprecation import deprecated

from kotti import DBSession
from kotti import get_settings
from kotti.fanstatic import contents_view_js
from kotti.interfaces import IContent
from kotti.resources import Node
from kotti.util import _
from kotti.util import ActionButton
from kotti.util import get_paste_items
from kotti.util import title_to_name
from kotti.views.edit import _state_info
from kotti.views.edit import _states
from kotti.views.form import EditFormView
from kotti.views.navigation import render_tree_navigation
from kotti.views.util import nodes_tree
from kotti.workflow import get_workflow

[docs]@view_defaults(permission='edit') class NodeActions(object): """Actions related to content nodes.""" def __init__(self, context, request): self.context = context self.request = request self.flash = self.request.session.flash def _selected_children(self, add_context=True): """ Get the selected children of the given context. This are either the selected nodes of the contents view or the context itself. :result: List with select children. :rtype: list """ ids = self.request.session.pop('kotti.selected-children') if ids is None and add_context: ids = [] return ids def _all_children(self, context, permission='view'): """ Get recursive all children of the given context. :result: List with all children of a given context. :rtype: list """ tree = nodes_tree(self.request, context=context, permission=permission) return tree.tolist()[1:]
[docs] def back(self, view=None): """ Redirect to the given view of the context, the referrer of the request or the default_view of the context. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ url = self.request.resource_url(self.context) if view is not None: url += view elif self.request.referrer: url = self.request.referrer return HTTPFound(location=url)
[docs] @view_config(name='workflow-change', permission='state_change') def workflow_change(self): """ Handle workflow change requests from workflow dropdown. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ new_state = self.request.params['new_state'] wf = get_workflow(self.context) wf.transition_to_state(self.context, self.request, new_state) self.flash(EditFormView.success_message, 'success') return self.back()
[docs] @view_config(name='copy') def copy_node(self): """ Copy nodes view. Copy the current node or the selected nodes in the contents view and save the result in the session of the request. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ ids = self._selected_children() self.request.session['kotti.paste'] = (ids, 'copy') for id in ids: item = DBSession.query(Node).get(id) self.flash(_(u'${title} was copied.', mapping=dict(title=item.title)), 'success') if not self.request.is_xhr: return self.back()
[docs] @view_config(name='cut') def cut_nodes(self): """ Cut nodes view. Cut the current node or the selected nodes in the contents view and save the result in the session of the request. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ ids = self._selected_children() self.request.session['kotti.paste'] = (ids, 'cut') for id in ids: item = DBSession.query(Node).get(id) self.flash(_(u'${title} was cut.', mapping=dict(title=item.title)), 'success') if not self.request.is_xhr: return self.back()
[docs] @view_config(name='paste') def paste_nodes(self): """ Paste nodes view. Paste formerly copied or cutted nodes into the current context. Note that a cutted node can not be pasted into itself. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ ids, action = self.request.session['kotti.paste'] for count, id in enumerate(ids): item = DBSession.query(Node).get(id) if item is not None: if action == 'cut': if not has_permission('edit', item, self.request): raise Forbidden() item.__parent__.children.remove(item) = title_to_name(, blacklist=self.context.keys()) self.context.children.append(item) if count is len(ids) - 1: del self.request.session['kotti.paste'] elif action == 'copy': copy = item.copy() name = if not name: # for root name = copy.title name = title_to_name(name, blacklist=self.context.keys()) = name self.context.children.append(copy) self.flash(_(u'${title} was pasted.', mapping=dict(title=item.title)), 'success') else: self.flash(_(u'Could not paste node. It no longer exists.'), 'error') if not self.request.is_xhr: return self.back()
[docs] def move(self, move): """ Do the real work to move the selected nodes up or down. Called by the up and the down view. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ ids = self._selected_children() if move == 1: ids.reverse() for id in ids: child = DBSession.query(Node).get(id) index = self.context.children.index(child) self.context.children.pop(index) self.context.children.insert(index + move, child) self.flash(_(u'${title} was moved.', mapping=dict(title=child.title)), 'success') if not self.request.is_xhr: return self.back()
[docs] @view_config(name='up') def up(self): """ Move up nodes view. Move the selected nodes up by 1 position and get back to the referrer of the request. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ return self.move(-1)
[docs] @view_config(name='down') def down(self): """ Move down nodes view. Move the selected nodes down by 1 position and get back to the referrer of the request. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ return self.move(1)
[docs] def set_visibility(self, show): """ Do the real work to set the visibility of nodes in the menu. Called by the show and the hide view. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ ids = self._selected_children() for id in ids: child = DBSession.query(Node).get(id) if child.in_navigation != show: child.in_navigation = show mapping = dict(title=child.title) if show: msg = _(u'${title} is now visible in the navigation.', mapping=mapping) else: msg = _(u'${title} is no longer visible in the navigation.', mapping=mapping) self.flash(msg, 'success') if not self.request.is_xhr: return self.back()
[docs] @view_config(name='show') def show(self): """ Show nodes view. Switch the in_navigation attribute of selected nodes to ``True`` and get back to the referrer of the request. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ return self.set_visibility(True)
[docs] @view_config(name='hide') def hide(self): """ Hide nodes view. Switch the in_navigation attribute of selected nodes to ``False`` and get back to the referrer of the request. :result: Redirect response to the referrer of the request. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound """ return self.set_visibility(False)
[docs] @view_config(name='delete', permission='delete', renderer='kotti:templates/edit/') def delete_node(self): """ Delete node view. Renders either a view to delete the current node or handle the deletion of the current node and get back to the default view of the node. :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict """ action = self.request.POST.get(u'delete', None) if action is not None: parent = self.context.__parent__ if action == u'delete': location = resource_url(parent, self.request) self.flash(_(u'${title} was deleted.', mapping=dict(title=self.context.title)), u'success') del parent[] else: location = resource_url(self.context, self.request) return HTTPFound(location=location) return {}
[docs] @view_config(name='delete_nodes', permission='delete', renderer='kotti:templates/edit/') def delete_nodes(self): """ Delete nodes view. Renders either a view to delete multiple nodes or delete the selected nodes and get back to the referrer of the request. :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict """ if 'delete_nodes' in self.request.POST: ids = self.request.POST.getall('children-to-delete') if not ids: self.flash(_(u"Nothing was deleted."), 'info') for id in ids: item = DBSession.query(Node).get(id) self.flash(_(u'${title} was deleted.', mapping=dict(title=item.title)), 'success') del self.context[] return self.back('@@contents') if 'cancel' in self.request.POST: self.flash(_(u'No changes were made.'), 'info') return self.back('@@contents') ids = self._selected_children(add_context=False) items = [] if ids is not None: items = DBSession.query(Node).filter(\ order_by(Node.position).all() return {'items': items, 'states': _states(self.context, self.request)}
[docs] @view_config(name='rename', renderer='kotti:templates/edit/') def rename_node(self): """ Rename node view. Renders either a view to change the title and name for the current node or handle the changes and get back to the default view of the node. :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict """ if 'rename' in self.request.POST: name = self.request.POST['name'] title = self.request.POST['title'] if not name or not title: self.flash(_(u'Name and title are required.'), 'error') else: = name.replace('/', '') self.context.title = title self.flash(_(u'Item was renamed.'), 'success') return self.back('') return {}
[docs] @view_config(name='rename_nodes', renderer='kotti:templates/edit/') def rename_nodes(self): """ Rename nodes view. Renders either a view to change the titles and names for multiple nodes or handle the changes and get back to the referrer of the request. :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict """ if 'rename_nodes' in self.request.POST: ids = self.request.POST.getall('children-to-rename') for id in ids: item = DBSession.query(Node).get(id) name = self.request.POST[id + '-name'] title = self.request.POST[id + '-title'] if not name or not title: self.flash(_(u'Name and title are required.'), 'error') location = resource_url(self.context, self.request, '@@rename_nodes') return HTTPFound(location=location) else: = title_to_name(name, blacklist=self.context.keys()) item.title = title self.flash(_(u'Your changes have been saved.'), 'success') return self.back('@@contents') if 'cancel' in self.request.POST: self.flash(_(u'No changes were made.'), 'info') return self.back('@@contents') ids = self._selected_children(add_context=False) items = [] if ids is not None: items = DBSession.query(Node).filter( return {'items': items}
[docs] @view_config(name='change_state', renderer='kotti:templates/edit/') def change_state(self): """ Change state view. Renders either a view to handle workflow changes for multiple nodes or handle the selected workflow changes and get back to the referrer of the request. :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict """ if 'change_state' in self.request.POST: ids = self.request.POST.getall('children-to-change-state') to_state = self.request.POST.get('to-state', u'no-change') include_children = self.request.POST.get('include-children', None) if to_state != u'no-change': items = DBSession.query(Node).filter( for item in items: wf = get_workflow(item) if wf is not None: wf.transition_to_state(item, self.request, to_state) if include_children: childs = self._all_children(item, permission='state_change') for child in childs: wf = get_workflow(child) if wf is not None: wf.transition_to_state(child, self.request, to_state, ) self.flash(_(u'Your changes have been saved.'), 'success') else: self.flash(_(u'No changes were made.'), 'info') return self.back('@@contents') if 'cancel' in self.request.POST: self.flash(_(u'No changes were made.'), 'info') return self.back('@@contents') ids = self._selected_children(add_context=False) items = transitions = [] if ids is not None: wf = get_workflow(self.context) if wf is not None: items = DBSession.query(Node).filter( for item in items: trans_info = wf.get_transitions(item, self.request) for tran_info in trans_info: if tran_info not in transitions: transitions.append(tran_info) return {'items': items, 'states': _states(self.context, self.request), 'transitions': transitions, }
[docs]def contents_buttons(context, request): """ Build the action buttons for the contents view based on the current state and the persmissions of the user. :result: List of ActionButtons. :rtype: list """ buttons = [] if get_paste_items(context, request): buttons.append(ActionButton('paste', title=_(u'Paste'), no_children=True)) if context.children: buttons.append(ActionButton('copy', title=_(u'Copy'))) buttons.append(ActionButton('cut', title=_(u'Cut'))) buttons.append(ActionButton('rename_nodes', title=_(u'Rename'), css_class=u'btn btn-warning')) buttons.append(ActionButton('delete_nodes', title=_(u'Delete'), css_class=u'btn btn-danger')) if get_workflow(context) is not None: buttons.append(ActionButton('change_state', title=_(u'Change State'))) buttons.append(ActionButton('up', title=_(u'Move up'))) buttons.append(ActionButton('down', title=_(u'Move down'))) buttons.append(ActionButton('show', title=_(u'Show'))) buttons.append(ActionButton('hide', title=_(u'Hide'))) return [button for button in buttons if button.permitted(context, request)]
[docs]@view_config(name='add-dropdown', renderer='kotti:templates/') def content_type_factories(context, request): """ Renders the drop down menu for Add button in editor bar. :result: Dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict """ all_types = get_settings()['kotti.available_types'] factories = [] for factory in all_types: if factory.type_info.addable(context, request): factories.append(factory) return {'factories': factories}
[docs]@view_config(context=IContent, name='contents', permission='view', renderer='kotti:templates/edit/') def contents(context, request): """ Contents view. Renders either the contents view or handle the action button actions of the view. :result: Either a redirect response or a dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound or dict """ contents_view_js.need() buttons = contents_buttons(context, request) for button in buttons: if in request.POST: children = request.POST.getall('children') if not children and != u'paste': request.session.flash( _(u'You have to select items to perform an action.'), 'info') location = resource_url(context, request) + '@@contents' return HTTPFound(location=location) request.session['kotti.selected-children'] = children location = button.url(context, request) return HTTPFound(location, request=request) return {'children': context.children_with_permission(request), 'buttons': buttons, }
[docs]@view_config(name='move-child-position', permission='edit', request_method="POST", renderer="json") def move_child_position(context, request): """ Move the child from one position to another. :param context: "Container" node in which the child changes its position. :type context: :class:kotti.resources.Node or descendant :param request: Current request (of method POST). Must contain either "from" and "to" params or a json_body that contain(s) the 0-based old (i.e. the current index of the child to be moved) and new position (its new index) values. :type request: :result: JSON serializable object with a single attribute ("result") that is either "success" or "error". :rtype: dict """ data = request.POST or request.json_body if ('from' in data) and ('to' in data): max_pos = len(context.children) - 1 try: oldPosition = int(data['from']) newPosition = int(data['to']) if not ((0 <= oldPosition <= max_pos) and (0 <= newPosition <= max_pos)): raise ValueError except ValueError: return {'result': 'error'} # sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist takes care of the "right" sequence # numbers (immediately consecutive, starting with 0) for us. context.children.insert(newPosition, context.children.pop(oldPosition)) result = 'success' else: result = 'error' return {'result': result}
[docs]@view_config(name='workflow-dropdown', permission='view', renderer='kotti:templates/') def workflow(context, request): """ Renders the drop down menu for workflow actions. :result: Dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: dict """ wf = get_workflow(context) if wf is not None: state_info = _state_info(context, request) curr_state = [i for i in state_info if i['current']][0] trans_info = wf.get_transitions(context, request) return { 'states': _states(context, request), 'transitions': trans_info, 'current_state': curr_state, } return { 'current_state': None }
[docs]@view_config(name='actions-dropdown', permission='edit', renderer='kotti:templates/') def actions(context, request): """ Renders the drop down menu for Actions button in editor bar. :result: Dictionary passed to the template for rendering. :rtype: dict """ actions = [] if hasattr(context, 'type_info'): actions = [a for a in context.type_info.action_links if a.visible(context, request)] return {'actions': actions}
def includeme(config): import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") config.scan(__name__) # BBB starts here --- --- --- --- --- --- render_tree_navigation = render_tree_navigation deprecated( 'render_tree_navigation', 'render_tree_navigation has been moved to kotti.views.navigation as of ' 'Kotti 0.9. Import from there instead.' )